Dorgard now with Exclusive 5 Year Warranty

Safelincs Ltd always want to give their customers the best value possible. This is achieved by sourcing high quality products and offering customers a service that exceeds our competitors.

The Dorgard is no exception to this. We are now offering the Dorgard with a FIVE year warranty, compared to industry standard of only one year.  This coupled with our free shipping on all Dorgard orders shows our commitment to offering a service above and beyond expectation.

For more information on Dorgards, please follow this link:

Safelincs recognised as disability friendly employer

Fire safety provider Safelincs Ltd have been awarded the Two Ticks’ Disability Friendly Symbol, which demonstrates the commitment of the company to employ, train and develop staff with disabilities.

In order to receive this symbol from Jobcentre Plus, Safelincs had to demonstrate their dedication to implementing the five commitments outlined under the symbol.

These include guaranteeing an interview for all disabled applicants which meet the minimum requirements for the job vacancy, consult with disabled staff on a regular basis to ensure they can develop and use their abilities and make every effort to retain any member of staff should they become disabled.

Safelincs have also pledged to ensure that their staff develop their disability awareness to enable the five commitments to be implemented and will review the five commitments on an annual basis to ensure that they are continuously renewing their pledge and developing their commitment.

HR Manager, Angie Dewick-Eisele said ‘We are delighted to be awarded the ‘Two Ticks’ Symbol. This award underpins the company ethos of equal opportunity and our commitment to help develop the skills of all our staff. Implementing the five commitments will also dove-tail into our Investors in People framework.’

Hotel Fires, Your guests, your responsibility

August and September have seen two major fire incidents in two hotels, ‘The Swan and Royal Hotel’, Clitheroe and the ‘Grand Burstin Hotel’, Folkestone. In both cases all residents at the hotels and staff were evacuated without any serious consequences.

If you are a hotel or bed and breakfast owner it is your responsibility to ensure that your premises have adequate fire detection and protection. In the case of the Grand Burstin Hotel the alarm was raised by a passerby. Had the member of public not noticed the fire, the outcome could have been very different and casualties could have resulted.

Here are some important questions you need to ask yourself:

Do I have adequate fire detection and do my smoke alarms conform to the correct standard?
Do I have adequate fire extinguisher cover and are they up to date on service?
Have I got adequate means of escape or do I need to install fire escape ladders?
Are my guests aware of the evacuation procedure should the alarm be raised and do I have guests who would require assistance?

By asking yourself these few simple questions and acting on the outcome of the answers, you could be preventing a disaster. The hotel fire at the Grand Burstin was caused due to a guest leaving a tea light lit on top of the TV set unattended. Not something that you can prevent, but had the alarm been raised sooner, the damage due to smoke and flames could have been restricted.

Remember, it is not only the lives of yourself and your guests you are protecting but also your livelihood and home. Unfortunately, the 18th century Swan and Royal Hotel was left wrecked by the fire that occurred there.

Your guests are YOUR responsibility. Safelincs Ltd are here to help you ensure that you have adequate protection. Please call FREEPHONE 0800 612 2946 for assistance.


It’s the smoke that kills…

There is a fire in your house, the staircase is full of smoke preventing you from escaping – unless you have a fire escape hood.

It is worn over the head and protects the head from heat and thermal radiation, the eyes from harmful irritant gases and can provide protection for 15 minutes from the most toxic gases produced in fires including carbon monoxide, acrolein, hydrogen choloride and hydrogen cyanide. The hood is easy to use, portable and can be easily stored in your home by your bedside. It can also be taken with you for use in hotels and transportation. Make sure you buy your fire escape hood from a reputable company and check it has the right specifications and is CE marked to EN 403:1993. See our fire escape hood information sheet for detailed specifications.

Don’t miss Horizon, BBC2, 21.00, tonight – “How to survive a disaster” – the ultimate guide to disaster survival using survivor testimonies from plane crashes, ferry disasters and even 9/11 and providing a guide to increasing your chances of survival through mindset, techniques and aides including fire escape hoods.