Friday 6th September 2024
What is a fireproof document box?
A fireproof box is a lockable (often also waterproof) case designed for the safe storage of important documents. Sometimes these are also known as a fireproof safe, or ‘deed box’ after the ‘deeds’ (ownership documentation) of a house. The boxes are suitable for the storage of important personal and legal documents. This may include passports, marriage certificates, insurance documents, and bank details.

What can be stored in a fireproof box?
While these boxes are designed for the storage of legal documents, they can protect any paper records with sentimental value. Some fireproof document boxes are also certified for the protection of digital media, like disks and hard drives. They are available in various sizes, up to 18.5L capacity.
Why is a fireproof safe important?
In the event of a house fire, it is imperative that everyone gets to safety as quickly and safely as possible. Stopping to collect valuables is therefore incredibly dangerous, and should never be done. However, this means that important personal documents are left in the flames, and may not survive. Similarly, flash floods can happen quickly, and it may not be possible to locate and rescue personal belongings immediately.
Fireproof boxes therefore provide protection for the documents they store, and peace of mind for the owner, who can escape to safety without worrying about them. Fires and floods can also happen when the house is empty, with no one around to salvage personal belongings. Fireproof safes are therefore the only way to ensure that these important documents are safe.

Are fireproof boxes worth the investment?
A simple A4 safe, like The Sentry Safe CHW20101, is usually less than £100. These lockable boxes offer 30 minutes of fire protection up to 843 °C, and protect against flood damage for up to 72 hours. This particular model is UL certified for A4 paper documents and digital media (hard drives, CDs, DVDs, etc), and has a 7.84L capacity. The box is supplied with a lifelong after fire replacement warranty, making it a durable, long-term investment.
Let’s consider what this might contain for a family of three, and the cost to replace these things:
Passports | £88.50 | (3) |
Birth Certificates | £12.50 | (3) |
Marriage Certificate | £12.50 | (1) |
House Deeds | £500 – £800 | (1) |
Log Books | £25.00 | (2) |
Qualifications (degrees, NVQs, A-Levels etc.) | £43.00 +/- (depending upon exam board / institution) | (5+) |
Total: | £1080.50 – £1230.50 |
The total replacement cost could therefore be well over £1000, or significantly more for larger families. This is without considering the time and energy required on the administrative side. Sentimental items, or digital media, meanwhile, may never be salvageable. Furthermore, even if your home insurance policy covers these documents, there is significant administration required to retrieve copies, while having access to intact insurance documents will speed up the process of your claim following a fire or flood.
The cost of a fireproof box is therefore low in comparison to the cost and hassle associated with replacement.

Buying the best fireproof safe for home use
Investing in a fireproof safe for your family’s personal documents could save you over a thousand pounds, and hours of admin time to acquire replacements. These boxes can also protect sentimental papers, and digital media, that may not be replaceable. Get free delivery today to enjoy the peace of mind that a quality deed box can provide.
For further information regarding this product, please contact friendly customer service team at or call us on 0800 612 6537.