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Site Alarms allow manual alarm systems to be installed where an automatic detection system is not feasible or not yet connected. These temporary site fire alarm systems can be used to raise the alarm in any emergency that requires evacuation of the site. As well as during fires, site alarms can be activated following chemical spills, or other dangerous incidents. Site alarms can therefore be installed on construction sites and temporary structures such as container accommodation, and at outdoor venues such as music festivals, outdoor events, and campsites.
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Construction sites pose a challenge for standard fire safety recommendations, as during early construction, it is not possible to install a suitable fire detection system. To overcome this, site alarm systems, which are activated manually, can be installed in and around the building site until a permanent system can be fitted in the property.
For more information about the appropriate use of temporary site alarm systems, read our blog.
Manual site fire alarms come in many forms. At their simplest, an Alarm Triangle and Striker, Megaphone, or Rotary Alarm Bell may be deemed suitable wireless options for small sites, such as campsites or small outdoor work sites. For larger settings, such as construction sites and music festivals, more complex systems may be deemed necessary by the risk assessment. Where the range of these systems have previously been limited by wires, newer models such as the Evacuator Synergy+ range enable wireless connections of up to 250 devices over a 2km range.
As well as providing a way to manually raise the alarm in the event of a fire, site alarms can be activated in other dangerous emergencies, such as chemical spills, or violent attacks at a venue. This ensures that staff and visitors are warned of danger and the need to evacuate, while alerting the site manager to the need to respond accordingly.
Further to this, some specialist call points, such as Evacuator’s Synergy+ unit are fitted with a dedicated first aid button. When pressed, an alert will display on the system base station providing the location of the activated unit, so that first aid support can be sent to the person in need.