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Smoke, Fire & Gas Detection FAQs

How do I test my smoke alarm and how often should I test it?

We recommend testing alarms by pressing the test button built-in to the unit, as this is designed to simulate the detection of the target stimuli (usually smoke, heat, or CO) at the alarm sensor. For more detailed guidance, check the manual included with your alarm.

You should test your alarms regularly, preferably every week. Sign up to our free smoke alarm reminder service to receive regular reminders by email or text message.

View all smoke, fire & gas detection FAQs


Reviewed: 14/09/2023 (doc:536 V1.0). Our articles are reviewed regularly. However, any changes made to standards or legislation following the review date will not have been considered. Please note that we provide abridged, easy-to-understand guidance. To make detailed decisions about your fire safety provisions, you might require further advice or need to consult the full standards and legislation.


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