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Defibrillators & First Aid Case Studies

Case Study: Collinson PT

The Customer

Collinson PT offer affordable and fun fitness to the local community in Sheffield. They currently work with children in schools from 3 years of age, all the way up to older adults in their 90’s who join in with their chair-based exercise classes.

The Challenge

During a personal training session, a member of Collinson PT fainted. Fortunately, this individual did not suffer a cardiac arrest, and recovered shortly afterwards. Nonetheless, the incident encouraged the business to consider how they would have dealt with a more serious incident, and how they could safeguard against fatality if a member became a victim of cardiac arrest in the future.

The Benefit

Following the incident, Collinson PT decided to install a defib to provide their clients with the best chance of survival in case of an emergency. Following some research online, they turned to Safelincs for support with their investment. Managing Director, Bryn Collinson, has said that “from the first conversation with Safelincs regarding a defib, we’ve had nothing but help throughout the process of deciding which type of defib we need for our business. Once we ordered our defib the delivery was quick, and the aftercare has been fantastic. I would, and have recommended Safelincs to other businesses.”

Since installation, Collinson PT staff have had lots of positive feedback and praise from clients, who have expressed their appreciation that they are investing in life saving equipment. This has been particularly important for older clients who are at higher risk of cardiac arrest due to their age; many have said that they feel safer when training, knowing that there is a defibrillator installed.


Case Study: Alford & District Cricket Club

The Customer

Alford & District Cricket Club offers cricket training sessions and hosts matches for home and away teams. With several junior teams and both men and women’s senior teams, the club caters for many different age groups and abilities.

The Challenge

In the UK, there are over 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests each year. For every minute that it takes a defibrillator to reach someone to deliver a shock, the survival chances are reduced. As the Cricket Club is located away from the town centre, there were no defibrillators in the immediate area that could be used quickly in the event of a cardiac arrest.

A spokesperson for Alford & District Cricket Club commented ‘Recent high profile cases of cardiac emergencies have reminded us all that in the event of the unthinkable happening, swift intervention is needed. Our club and its facilities are enjoyed by not just our members, but visiting teams and officials, and our local community who use our grounds and clubhouse. All of them deserve the access to a defibrillator should the worst happen’

The Solution

Safelincs provided a HeartSine 350P Semi-automatic defibrillator which would be stored inside the clubhouse. Safelincs also provided an indoor cabinet to protect the equipment and giving a central, accessible location.

The HeartSine 350P Semi-automatic defibrillator has a protective carry case, allowing it to be easily transported to the patient, or to be taken to away matches should the need arise. The donation included a Paediatric Electrode Cartridge which reduces the shock level, making it suitable for use on children under 8.

The Benefit

The Cricket Club members, local community and visiting teams can now have peace of mind that should a cardiac emergency occur, the patient’s chances of survival would be significantly improved.

Honorary President Geoff Allen said ‘We have all been made aware that coronary heart issues are not confined to the elderly or unfit. Beyond doubt, it is difficult to argue against the need for this lifesaving technology to be widely available in our community facilities.’


Case study: Alford Town Football Club

The Customer

A thriving football club based in Alford, Lincolnshire, ATFC provides training sessions and matches for the local community and visiting teams. With 11 teams currently registered with the FA, the club is a growing concern and provides sporting opportunity for girls and boys from aged 4 as well as 3 senior teams and a walking football session.

The Challenge

Following the devastating cardiac arrest suffered by footballer Christian Eriksen at Euro 2021, the need for a life-saving AED at grass roots football clubs like ATFC has been recognized by the FA and clubs across the country. The club has expanded rapidly in recent years and with so many members now registered, the need for first aid provision had increased. We were approached by the Club Chairman, Grant Edgar, to help provide the necessary equipment to deal with a sudden cardiac arrest should it occur.

The Solution

A HeartSine 350P Semi-automatic Defibrillator with a protective carry case was supplied by Safelincs to the Football Club. This particular model was chosen due to its suitability for outside use. A robust construction, high IP rating against dust and moisture and protective carry case makes it a good choice for outdoor sporting venues such as this. The HeartSine 350P was installed with a set of Paediatric Electrode Pads which automatically reduce the level of shock, making the unit suitable for use on children under 8 years old.

For ease of access, a heated outdoor cabinet for the AED was installed. This will ensure that anyone using the training ground has access to the life saving device even if the clubhouse is not open.

Safelincs were able to offer AED and CPR training at the club for coaches, managers and club officials to ensure that everyone will be best placed to act as quickly as possible if a cardiac arrest occurred.

The Club Secretary, Rob Wilson commented ‘A huge thank you to Safelincs for providing this defibrillator to ATFC. They will also be providing training on the defibrillator for all coaches. This means that the club will be well prepared for any emergencies and is a safer environment for players and spectators.’

The Benefit

All club members and the wider community now have peace of mind that should a cardiac arrest occur in proximity to the football club, the victim’s chance of survival would be dramatically increased.


Case Study – Vattenfall

The Customer

Vattenfall is one of Europe’s largest generators of renewable electricity. 100 per cent owned by the Swedish state it operates wind power turbines in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the UK.

Wind Turbine

The Challenge

Vattenfall is keen to set new standards regarding the Health and Safety in all of its locations for employees and also for contractors and visitors who may attend these sites. In the UK it took the decision to provide automated external defibrillator (AED) units at each of its site buildings.

The Solution

Safelincs has supplied Zoll AED Plus defibrillators (and accessories) to Vattenfall. These life-saving pieces of equipment not only deliver a controlled shock to save a patient from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) but provide CPR feedback and instructions to the first aider. The help feature gives audible and visual prompts for the rate and depth of chest compressions being administered during rescue. This AED is a semi-automatic device which can be used by minimally-trained members of staff.

The Benefit

As well as installing the AEDs in buildings, Vattenfall provides units in lifting bags which technicians can lift up into the turbine nacelles when undertaking essential maintenance work.

By obtaining these AEDs anyone on a Vattenfall site in the UK will have significantly faster access to life-saving equipment should they ever require it.


Case Study – Bracknell Forest

The Customer

Bracknell Forest is one of six unitary authority areas within Berkshire in southern England. It covers the three towns of Bracknell, Sandhurst and Crowthorne and also includes the areas of North Ascot, Warfield and Winkfield.

The Challenge

The council operates a Members Initiative Fund which allows Bracknell Forest councillors to spend up to £15,000, within their wards, supporting local groups and projects that make a difference to their local community. Ward councillors Dorothy Hayes MBE and Suzie Phillips canvassed local opinion and found there was a requirement for automated external defibrillators (AEDs) – devices that can stabilise the heart rhythms of a person having a cardiac arrest. AEDs automate the diagnosis of treatable rhythms, meaning that lay responders or bystanders are able to use them successfully with little or no training.

The council then looked for a reliable supplier that could supply AEDs at competitive prices.

The Solution

Royal Liverpool University Hospital

Safelincs has now installed AEDs in public areas such as community centres, schools and small retailers – notably those that have a post office counter. These are delivered together with cabinets where required.

The Benefit

Such has been the success of the project, that Safelincs has now supplied councillors across a number of wards with more than 50 devices.

In the summer of 2014 the residents’ newsletter, which goes to every household in Bracknell Forest, contained details of the location of each AED.

In October 2015, Bracknell Forest Council won the Public Sector Organisation of the Year Award in the annual Heart Safe Awards -


Reviewed: 14/09/2023 (v1.1). Our articles are reviewed regularly. However, any changes made to standards or legislation following the review date will not have been considered. Please note that we provide abridged, easy-to-understand guidance. To make detailed decisions about your fire safety provisions, you might require further advice or need to consult the full standards and legislation.


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